Fuel Theft: The Bogeyman in the Fuel Management Industry No-one Wants to Talk About

Fuel Theft: The Bogeyman in the Fuel Management Industry No-one Wants to Talk About

Be afraid. Be very afraid. Unfortunately, these words can ring true when it comes to pitfalls of your fuel management strategies.

For example, have you ever thought about the genuine possibilities of theft when it comes to fueling up your equipment, trucks, reefers, and more? Whether you have a fleet of 5 or 50, you can be a victim of theft. It may be minor, maybe a few gallons here or there, but this will add up fast, creating a high unwanted cost to your business.

While no one likes to think that their employees would ever steal from the company, it, unfortunately, happens more often than you might think. They could be skimming off fuel, purchasing snacks and foods with fuel cards, adding gas to a personal vehicle …Poof! These are all examples of how fuel theft or gasoline theft can play out when you least expect it, causing your earnings to evaporate into thin air, little by little.

Unfortunately, we can’t just blame the employee in these situations as much sense as that makes. Businesses tempt employees to steal from them when sent to the gas station with cash fleet cards. From our many years in the industry, we can’t tell you how often we come into situations where your guy shows up at the gas station like this: His girlfriend shows up. He fills her truck up also, or they approach another driver at the facility there offering to fill their truck up for 20 bucks. It happens too often, even if we want to think that it doesn’t. Nobody wants to think that way about their employees, but it happens.

The hardest part to believe is that, for many of these businesses, they may have been good employees if they didn’t have that temptation put in front of them in the first place. Of course, we’re not saying that all the blame falls on the manager or that these “bad apple” employees will suddenly disappear. However, putting as many of the variables in your control as possible can help manage your fuel spend dramatically! 

Remove the mystery from your fuel-ups when you call Fuel Logic!

Theft in our environment is highly unlikely. If your employees steal from you, then you’re paying for that fuel until you catch him and then you have no recourse against that employee. You can fire him, but you’re still out the fuel cost. If our employee steals, which again is highly unlikely, you get reimbursed for any stolen fuel, because that’s become our responsibility now. We’ve shifted all that responsibility off of your pocketbook onto ours! 

Fuel Logic specializes in mobile fueling solutions to get you the fuel you need when you need it. Whether it’s diesel (on-road or off-road), gasoline, or Diesel Exhaust Fluid, we’ll deliver fuel directly to your location with our mobile fuel. We will also provide itemized fueling reports that explain what we filled and how much. Have a question about your invoice? We’re just a call away where an agent is happy to clear up any confusion or errors. We pride ourselves in being there for our clients in all aspects of the service, from getting the fuel to you, offering fuel estimator services and making sure we’re available day or night if you have any questions or concerns. 

Fuel Logic saves you time, money, and energy that’s spent when you manage your own fuel. Let our fuel team experts make you the Fuel Hero when it comes to maximizing your fuel savings! Contact us today!

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